Abdul Raouf

Full Stack Engineer at Tcs.

👉 raouf9567@yahoo.com

Skills & Qualifications

Tech stack

Azure Cloud, Google Cloud Platform
Springboot, Python, Java
Angular JS, Vanilla JS, Microsoft Bot Framework
PostgreSQL, MySQL

Work History


01/2022 - Present


Worked on making ChatBot Based Microsoft Bot Framework SDK and integrated Azure Cognitive Services for conversational AI to create a sophisticated chatbot. This combination allowed for a natural and intuitive user experience, as the chatbot was able to understand and respond to user inputs with the power of AI.

  • Improved User Experience: The chatbot's ability to understand and respond to user inputs in a natural and intuitive manner improved the overall user experience.
  • Robust Platform: The Microsoft Bot Framework SDK provided a robust platform for chatbot development, allowing for a seamless integration
  • AI-Powered Conversations: The integration of Azure Cognitive Services into the chatbot allowed for AI-powered conversations, providing a highly sophisticated and intelligent interaction between the user and the chatbot.
Full Stack Developer

Developed a web application that allowed users to upload excel sheets and perform CRUD operations, as well as generate reports and export them to various formats. This solution provided a flexible and efficient way for users to manage their data and perform important operations within the system.

Security Ninja

As a security ninja for the project, I was responsible for testing various security issues and vulnerabilities in the application, including manual penetration testing and addressing SAST and DAST issues. Expertise and commitment to security helped ensure the protection of sensitive data and the overall integrity of the application.


08/2021 - 12/2021

Experienced in web design and development, with a focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

  • Proficient in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Angular JS as well as back-end technologies and CMS platforms such as WordPress.
  • Strong understanding of digital marketing, including experience in executing SEO strategies, managing PPC campaigns, and leveraging social media to drive traffic and increase brand awareness.

01/2021 - 03/2021

Experienced as a data analyst using Python at Exposys Data Labs.

  • Proficient in using Python for data analysis and manipulation, including libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib.
  • Experienced in working with large datasets, conducting exploratory data analysis, and building predictive models.
  • Strong understanding of statistical concepts and experience in implementing statistical techniques such as regression, classification, and clustering.
  • Committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies in the field of data analysis.

Achievements & Certifications

🏆 GCP Associate Cloud Engineer